Guruji Gede Prama


Aham Prema

“I am Love who is here to share Love”


Guruji Gede Prama is Aham Prema

A servant of peace


Prama is a meditation master, an Indonesian writer and motivational speaker. He is the author of over a hundred of articles and motivational books include the series of books Bali Shanti (Indonesian language), Bell of Peace: From Bali to the World and co-author of Golden Heart II.

Guruji Gede Prama is also the founder of Bell of Peace, a non-profit spiritual platform located in Bali, Indonesia. It hosts free meditation programs for public, provides readings and wisdoms on inner peace, as well as initiates social and environmental projects. 


Nature has seasons but love hugs you without any reason (Gede Prama)

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