Beautiful Quotes

Find your peace within from Guruji Gede Prama’s wisdoms:

Quotes on Love

In the moment of loving, you are a beautiful rose.
Gede Prama
As long as love is the sail, you will be back home.
Gede Prama
Your love is your deepest prayer.
Gede Prama
If rose is a music, love is the lyric.
Gede Prama
As long as there’s love in the heart, all path lead you to light.
Gede Prama
Money can buy a house, but only love can make a house of happiness

Gede Prama

Beautiful beings are here to teach you beauty.

Gede Prama

There are many paths leading the mountain of life, yet only one summit: love

Gede Prama

He who has beauty within, sees beauty everywhere

Gede Prama

Birds don’t fall because of wings, souls don’t fall because of love.

Gede Prama

What you love is the mirror of who you are.

Gede Prama

With lantern of love in the heart, you will never get lost.

Gede Prama

Quotes on Joy, Happiness

Happiness is the outcome of creating joy for someone else

Gede Prama

In the depth of gratitude, each moment is moment of joy

Gede Prama

Smile is one of the most beautiful ways of sharing light
Gede Prama
If something can still evoke happiness or sadness within you, it indicates that someone else retains control of your life’s switch. A master, on the other hand, holds their own switch

Gede Prama

May all beings are happy, free from suffering

Gede Prama

Not Knowing is the peak of wisdom.

Gede Prama

Sometimes what you need is simply a smile.

Gede Prama

Quotes on Relationship

Marriage includes both hugs and fights
Gede Prama
Like a pair of bird wings, confidence is one wing, while the other is humble openness.
Gede Prama
Wisdom does not favor the positive or negative. Similar to electricity, when both positive and negative poles are well managed, a light shines.
Gede Prama
Be kind to darkness, they make light shines even brighter.
Gede Prama
Deep friendship grow in silence.
Gede Prama
Your eyes are your most honest window.
Gede Prama
Be kind to darkness, they make light shines even brighter.
Gede Prama
Indeed, chili is spicy, salt is salty, onions bring tears, but when mixed in the right proportions, spices of grief and conflicts can strengthen relationship. It transforms a relationaship into the most beautiful garden of soul
Gede Prama
Kindness is a beautiful song that the deaf can hear, a beautiful flower that the blind can see
Gede Prama
Forget the length of journey, focus on the smile along the way.
Gede Prama
Forgiving, listening, understanding are beautiful roses.
Gede Prama
In our age, Family is the most beautiful shelter.
Gede Prama
Keep in your heart: silence is your best friend.
Gede Prama

Quotes on Inner Peace

Without delving into the chapters of sorrow, peace remains elusive.

Gede Prama

Through giving, one heals.

Gede Prama

The ultimate nature of a lake is peaceful,

the ultimate nature of flowers is beautiful,

the ultimate nature of emptiness makes life beautiful and peaceful.

Gede Prama

As the kiss of butterfly, Peace kiss this moment as it is.

Gede Prama

There is light behind every smile,

there is light behind deep gratitude,

there is light hidden in thankfulness,

there you see peace in every step

Gede Prama

Not only does peace strengthen life, but disasters strengthen it even deeper
Gede Prama
The moment you see the light behind a smile, You will find peace in every step

Gede Prama

In the depth of thankfulness, you meet your own moon
Gede Prama
Not only does peace strengthen life, but disasters strengthen it even deeper.

Gede Prama

Cloudless mind is peace. Cloudless heart is beauty.

Gede Prama

Quotes on Meditation

Sadness is important chapter that no one want to read

Gede Prama

Inhale, I’m treating myself with acceptance. Exhale, I’m treating the world with affection

Gede Prama

The shortest bridge to God is love and sincerity

Gede Prama

A soul wound is the starting point where the Light will shine brighter and brighter

Gede Prama

In the language of meditation, the past is gone, the future has not yet arrived, and the present is the only available gift

Gede Prama

Spirituality is an art of being lotus in the mud of life.

Gede Prama

Similar to trees that silently process toxic carbon into fresh oxygen, noble souls transform the toxicity of suffering into the oxygen of peace in a perfect silence

Gede Prama

With a grateful heart, wherever you step the soul always feels at home

Gede Prama

A soul wound is the window from where the lights will shine out
Suffering propels the settlement of debts. Those who resist not only fail to repay their debts but also accumulate new ones.

Gede Prama

Quotes on Motivation, Inspiration

Strongly believe that everything flows in the same cycle of perfection

Gede Prama

In the end, the hand that gives is the same hand that receives

Gede Prama

The willingness to see differences as a way to learn from one another could lead you to a deeper knowledge of who you are

Gede Prama

Thankful heart is a portable heaven that you bring everywhere you go

Gede Prama

Having self-esteem is advantageous, but yearning to be highly valued is a source that steals one’s emotions

Gede Prama

Through giving, one heals

Quotes on Compassion

Your compassion is your best protection

Gede Prama

While ordinary individuals fear agony, the wise nurture agony into pathways to enlightenment

Gede Prama

A soulmate is someone who perceives your anger as the mud that is evolving into a lotus flower
The true calmness is attained when individuals find contentment in being ordinary


Quote on meditation 1
Quote on Kindness
Quote on Love 1

Quote on Meditation 2
Quote on Enlightenment
Quote on Love2

Quote on Harmony
Quote of the present moment

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